Etsy Time Machine
This is the most amazing way to show products/crafts added over a period of time. Drag and throw the ones you aren’t interested in. Scroll...
Designing a more accessible web
People who find it difficult to use a computer keyboard and mouse, can turn to other devices to navigate the internet, but if the site...
1500 Megapixel photo of Machu Picchu
The same photographer who did a 720 megapixel photo of Sydney earlier this year has now done a 1500 megapixel photo of Machu Picchu. The...
US Presidential Tag Cloud
Tag clouds are a great way to show word density and are most commonly found on blog websites or search engines. The larger the font...
Calculating website ROI
What is your website doing for you business? Having a website for your business is one thing, but is it working hard for the business,...
have your say about the future of HTML
This article has been written on behalf of the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) and has been cross posted on The Web Standards...
PAS78 Available free!
The British Standards Institution’s Publicly Available Specification “Guide to good practice in commissioning accessible websites†is now available free of charge and for nothing from...
Why overcomplicate things?
I’m glad to see andpartners creative process is so straightforward. I for one wish I had the freedom to materialise every single idea on a...
Time Off(line)
The internet is an endless bag of distractions, with over 100 million of us at its mercy at any one time. Staying connected has become...
W3Cs new HTML taskforce
HTML is W3C’s earliest specification, and it has been almost 7 years since it has been updated. It has served as the arena for the...