Digital Marketing Channels
If you want people to find your website, then search engine optimisation needs to be a part of your digital marketing strategy. We’re a Liverpool...
Pay Per Click
Pay-Per-Click advertising is often the number one source of traffic and revenue for startups. We have delivered a consistent return of investment for all of...
Email Marketing
Email marketing remains the most effective form of digital marketing when considering return on investment (ROI). A targeted campaign to your audience allows you to...
IGOO have provided digital marketing services since we began in 2008. We have adapted our offering over the years and through our experience in the sector, we are on the front foot with new features and services as they become available. Historically, this was apparent with Google Shopping becoming part of PPC, the rise in paid social media marketing and social media catalogue’s as well as the various SEO changes throughout the years, e.g ‘Penguin’ and ‘Panda’.
We are dedicated to best practice digital marketing with ‘white hat’ strategy implementation that benefits both us and our clients in the long term. Through certification, training and R&D our team can deliver highly effective marketing with a healthy ROI.